Saturday, December 6, 2008

advent aphorisms

christmas, a season for reflection and thanksgiving, tends to be the most stressful, greedy time of the year.

christ came to bring peace on earth to people of goodwill, but most people just want peace on earth.

this christmas planned parenthood is offering gift certificates, so you can gift the gift of death to those you love.

most people want love and friendship for christmas and go to the mall to find it.

at the washington state capitol, displayed by the creche and the menora, is an atheist poster that denounces religion and god; so visitors are wished happy holidays and happy un-holy-days at the same time.

the atheist poster at the washington state capitol building was stolen the other day, thereby proving that it wasn't the grinch who stole christmas but the jews and christians.

the most valuable gifts--kind words, time with children, intercessory prayer, a home cooked meal, a care package of necessities--are the least obvious ones.

in the retail world, the sign that christmas will be a success comes the day after thanksgiving, the biggest shopping day of the year; the real sign that christmas is a success comes each easter morning.

at christmas we celebrate christ, god's free gift, and many of us go into debt to do it.

the first christmas the magi traveled thousands of miles to bow on bending knee before the christ child; now children travel two miles to the mall to beg at santa's knee.

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